Relevance question

(imported topic written by jpeppers91)

I’m having some trouble with the following relevance…

(name of operating system = “WinXP”) AND ((exists key “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TrendMicro\PC-cillinNTCorp\CurrentVersion\Misc.” whose (exists value “ProgramVer” whose (string “10.0” != it) of it) of native registry)) AND not exists file “iclient.exe” of folder “c:\Program Files\Zone Labs\Integrity Client”

This should be relevant to all Windows XP machines with Officescan versions that are not version 10 that does not have the Integrity executable. There should be over 2000 machines, I’m only getting 76 . I tested this with relevance debugger on my machine and it came back ok.

(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

I would break the ANDs into their three component pieces and see how many boxes they are relevant on. For example, how many boxes are relevant to just the “not exists file” clause?

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

Only 3. There is something wrong in my relevance with the last statement.

(imported comment written by sstroffo91)

If the folder does not exist, you would get the error.

I don’t believe you care abuot the folder.

Try this for item 3

not exists file “c:\Program Files\Zone Labs\Integrity Client\iclient.exe”

(imported comment written by jpeppers91)

Looks like that worked…Thanks.
