Relevance query

(imported topic written by AakashK)


When I am running the following relevance I am getting the output

number of operating systems of bes computers


But I want to get the output for specific OS. I am running the below relevance & getting the ouput

number of operating systems of bes computers whose (name of it as string as lowercase contains “win”)


(number of it) whose (operating system of it as lowercase contains “win”) of bes computers


or if we can get output for subscribe site like no of servers subscribe to patches for windows.



(imported comment written by kapax00)


you may probably want to try the following relevance to show how may systems you have for any operating system:

(multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of operating systems of bes computers

That will aggregate the number of operating systems (with their versions in this case, different win version will be considered different OS… ) and show teh counts.

About your 0, the whose clause work a little differen from your use:

you should use

number of operating systems whose (it as string as lowercase contains “Win”) of bes computers

or to show the split between Windows versions:

(multiplicity of it, it) of unique values of operating systems whose (it as string contains “Win”) of bes computers

hope this helps


(imported comment written by AakashK)

Thanks Andrea

number of operating systems whose (it as string as lowercase contains “Win”) of bes computers still showed me result 0.

number of bes computers whose (operating system of it contains “Win”) worked for me.

(imported comment written by gearoid)

8 computers: 2 x windows, 3 x RHEL, 1 x Fedora, 2 x SuSE.

Q: number of bes computers


Q: number of operating systems of bes computers


Q: number of bes computers whose (operating system of it contains “Win”)

A: 2

Q: number of bes computers whose (operating system of it contains “Linux”)

A: 6

Q: nubmer of bes computers whose (operating system of it contains “SuSE”)

A: 2

There shouldn’t be any need to cast operating systems to lowercase.

(imported comment written by AakashK)

Thanks gearoid

This has helped me with my query