Relevance not working with 32 bit and 64 bit

Hi Team,

relevance not working wit 32 bit and 64 bit

Q: if (exists folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\ZOHO Corp\ADSelfService Plus Client Software” whose ( exists file “ADSSPDesktop.exe” of it )) then (“Installed”) as string else (“Not Installed” ) AND if (exists folder “C:\Program Files\ZOHO Corp\ADSelfService Plus Client Software” whose ( exists file “ADSSPDesktop.exe” of it )) then (“Installed”) as string else (“Not Installed” )

E: This expression could not be parsed.

Q: not exists folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\ZOHO Corp\ADSelfService Plus Client Software” OR not exists folder "C:\Program Files\ZOHO Corp\ADSelfService Plus Client Software

E: A string constant had no ending quotation mark.

Please help to resolved this issue


A couple problems with the first clause. You can’t perform Boolean commands (AND) on strings, and you should use parentheses to better control order of execution.

Q: if ((exists folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\ZOHO Corp\ADSelfService Plus Client Software” whose ( exists file “ADSSPDesktop.exe” of it)) OR (exists folder “C:\Program Files\ZOHO Corp\ADSelfService Plus Client Software” whose ( exists file “ADSSPDesktop.exe” of it ))) then (“Installed”) else (“Not Installed”)

For the second Clause, the Error tells you that a closing quote is missing.

Q: not exists folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\ZOHO Corp\ADSelfService Plus Client Software” OR not exists folder “C:\Program Files\ZOHO Corp\ADSelfService Plus Client Software”

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There is an easier way to combine these options:

Which then becomes:

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Or you can use program files x64 folder and program files x32 folder

There is also a native program files folder (if you have a 9.0 or better agent)


Thanks TimRice, jgstew and AlanM good show