Relevance gives different result from console and qna

Hi there,

         It would be great if some one can help me with this issue. I have a relevance which is written like this

exists folders whose (name of it starts with “abc.sys”) of (folder “drivers” of (if (x64 operating system) then (system x64 folder) else (system x32 folder)))
When I execute this from qna of bigfix client on which the folder abc.sys exists I get it as true, but when I copy the same create a analysis and add this as property, I get the result as false from console.

I did clear console cache and tried but there was no luck. Can some one let me know on how to correct the same.


Missing keyword - x64 of operating system and you need to be aware that case sensitivity can play a part (Windows file system is case insensitive but relevance is not)

exists folders whose (name of it as lowercase starts with “abc.sys”) of (folder “drivers” of (if (x64 of operating system) then (system x64 folder) else (system x32 folder)))


exists folders whose (name of it as lowercase starts with “abc.sys”) of folder “drivers” of (system x64 folders; system x32 folders)

exists folders whose (name of it as lowercase starts with “abc.sys”) of folder “drivers” of native system folder

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