Relevance for Metrics

Hey guys,
I’m looking to use the API to pull information over to PowerBI for some metrics. I’m new to the use of relevance and well, BigFix in general. I’m trying to find a way to pull information using relevance that will show a users computer assets (group of servers) that have critical patches waiting to be applied that are over 7 days old. How do I do this?

I will say, I found the below but need it to actually let me see the number of patches per devices not just say it’s >= to 10

names of unique values whose(multiplicity of it >= 10) of applicable computers of bes fixlets whose ((name of site of it = "Enterprise Security") AND (Category of it as lowercase contains "security" AND Source Severity of it as lowercase contains "critical" AND Applicable Computer Count of it > 0 AND name of it as lowercase does not contain "superseded" AND name of it as lowercase does not contain "corrupt patch" AND name of it as lowercase does not contain "microsoft unsupported"))

If you’re interested in using PowerBI, you should probably look into BigFix Insights.

It provides a “normalized” view of the BigFix data, designed for reporting through PowerBI or Tableau, and we provide several prebuilt reports for each.

If you don’t know the Tech Advisor for your company, let me know and we can find out, get you a demo.

Insights is included in several of the BigFix offerings so you may already be entitled to use it.

That said, I haven’t tried out your query for efficiency yet, but I think you can get the counts you want via

(It, multiplicity of it) of unique values of names of applicable computers of bes fixlets whose ((name of site of it = "Enterprise Security") AND (Category of it as lowercase contains "security" AND Source Severity of it as lowercase contains "critical" AND Applicable Computer Count of it > 0 AND name of it as lowercase does not contain "superseded" AND name of it as lowercase does not contain "corrupt patch" AND name of it as lowercase does not contain "microsoft unsupported"))
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Sorry just getting back to this, it doesn’t appear to provide any counts, just computer names and an “attr” that looks like each computer has a ‘2’ for.