Relevance for linux machines

Hello all,
I am having an issue where i am using the qna to get the relevance for an installed rpm on a linux machine. I have tried exists rpm whose (name of it contains "firefox<version#>")but the qna is returning true for machines that dont have the specified version. I have looked on a couple of forums but can really only find info regarding windows systems. Any help would be appreciated.

Can you try
exists packages whose (it as string contains "firefox<version#>") of rpm

To see what properties are available, you can use the “introspectors” in /var/opt/BESClient/qna :

properties whose (it as string contains "rpm")
properties of type "rpmdatabase"
properties of type "package"
types whose (it as string contains "rpm")

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i wil give that a shot and see what returns. Thanks for the reply.