Relevance - does Linux system have interface eth1?

Tear Team,
Apologies for the beginner’s question.

I am trying to check if Linux system has interface eth1. I think I need to learn how to get an element from the list.

This works:
Q: names of adapters of network
A: eth0
A: eth1
A: lo
T: 263

This probably works (I guess that it returns the first element from the list):
Q: name of adapters of network
A: eth0
E: Singular expression refers to non-unique object.
T: 262

The rest doesn’t work:
Q: names of adapters of network contains "eth1"
E: A singular expression is required.

Q: names of adapter 0 of network
E: The operator “adapter” is not defined.

Q: name of adapter 0 of network
E: The operator “adapter” is not defined.

Thank you,

Can try either of the two below.
names whose(it as string as lowercase contains “eth0”) of adapters of network
friendly names whose(it as string as lowercase contains “eth0”) of adapters of network

Thank you!
Both options look good:

Q: names whose (it as string as lowercase contains “eth0” ) of adapters of network
A: eth0
T: 236

Q: exist names whose (it as string as lowercase contains “eth0” ) of adapters of network
A: True
T: 195

Q: friendly names whose (it as string as lowercase contains “eth0” ) of adapters of network
A: eth0
T: 228

Q: exist friendly names whose (it as string as lowercase contains “eth0” ) of adapters of network
A: True
T: 199
