Relevance based on folder size

I need to make a task relevant based on the size of a folder. I am able to get the size of the folder and decendents however I am having trouble making it only relevant for computers with a folder size of 1024MB or more.

Here is what I use for the get the folder size

sum of sizes of descendants of folder “windows\temp” of drive of system folder

Any ideas on how to only report back computers with windows\temp folders larger than 1024MB in size?


This should be the Relevance:

(it > 1024*1024*1024) of sum of sizes of descendants of folder "windows\temp" of drive of system folder

Wow. That was quick. Thank you so much. I am a novice at BigFix (IEM). Thanks for your help.

Take a look at these related items:

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…and while the folder is usually C:\Windows\Temp, you probably shouldn’t assume the name “Windows” any more than the drive C:, or that the folder named “Temp” actually exists…

(it > 1024*1024*1024) of sum of sizes of descendants of folders "temp" of windows folder

(note both the “windows folder” inspector and the use of the plural ’ folders “temp” ')