Relays for Relays

(imported topic written by Edj)

I am currently creating a task to force all our Low-Level relays to choose one of our Top-Level relay servers. We are performing this action to prevent the LL Relays from selecting the Main Bes Server or another LL Relay server for it relay. This would allow us better control over our relay structure, better performance (no relay to relay to relay communucation) and quicker trouble shooting of suspected relay issues. We have complete control over our Top-Level Relay infrastructure but sometimes limited control over many of the LL Relays and if it goes down it could affect a number of other LL Relays or clients. Well anyway… That’s my madness but I want to be sure of my method.

I am using a relevancy to determine the location of the LL Relays in order to select the correct TL Relay. When point relays to relays, is the key below the only key requiring modification?

setting “__RelayServer1” of client"=“” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

and possibly

setting “__RelayServer2” of client"=“http://“Main BES Server IP”:52311/bfmirror/downloads/” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client



(imported comment written by jessewk)


You action syntax is a little off. Since configuring relays is very important to get correct, we usually recommend that you use the UI built into the console to set relay hierarchies. Is there a reason you chose not to use the ‘Edit computer settings…’ interface? I don’t see in your action anything that can’t be accomplished from there.


(imported comment written by Edj)


We have servers that are built and decomissioned in the double digits each quarter. These servers are automatically configured as relay servers. Since we have a very large Relay server base, I would like this to be a policy for new relay servers. I did not include the entire relevancy that checks the relay’s location to determine which of the dozen Top-Level relays to be assigned to. I only included the action script for one Top-Level.


(imported comment written by jessewk)

Okay, we’ll it’s perfectly reasonable that you would want a dynamic policy to set the relays if you are keying off of a location somewhere. We typically refer to this as a “Dynamic Setting”.

I still think you’ll have the most success if you use the Edit Computer Settings UI, but instead of a specific value, you’ll put in some relevance that will construct the appropriate value based on the server location:

Here is some example relevance:

if (exist setting “Location” whose (exists value whose (it = “California”) of it)) then (“”) else (if (exist setting “Location” whose (exists value whose (it = “New York”) of it)) then (“”) else (“http://:52311/bfmirror/downloads/”))

Here are the steps:

  1. Select any 2 computers on the computers tab.

  2. Right-click --> Edit computer settings…

  3. Check the ‘Custom Setting’ box.

  4. For ‘Name’, input: __RelayServer1

  5. For ‘Value’, input the relevance, wrapping it in curly braces {}. The curly braces will cause the client to evaluate the value as relevance rather than simply writing out the relevance string as the value.

  6. On the ‘Target’ tab, select the second radio button and target all BES Relays.

  7. On the ‘Message’ tab, make sure all boxes are unchecked

  8. On the constraints tab, uncheck all boxes and select ‘Run independently of user presence’

  9. Double check everything, click OK, and enter your password.

Repeat for __RelayServer2