Relay & setting fine tuning

Want to understand & best use of below settings for environment of 130K endpoints & 300 Relays.

What would be the best answer for these settings for such a big infra-


And what is the recommendation for these -

1.Increase the number of relays tried
2.Decrease the timeout
3.Decrease the number of rounds before fail-over

There isn’t really a “one size fits all” recommendation here (even given different environment sizes). The recommendations to fine tune these settings (as is the case with many really), will vary between environments, and really depends on conditions and requirements.

Are there specific scenarios you are concerned about and/or issues you are trying to resolve?

I imagine you’ve seen this, but here’s a general reference to these (and many other) settings along with their descriptions:

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Thanks for the reply @Aram but I am able to understand only 1 setting which is _BESRelay_HTTPServer_MaxConnections apart from it _BESRelay_HTTPServer_RequireTLS12 have no info your provided link & for setting BESRelay_Downloads_OlderThanInDays provided description is very small & not helpful so if you can provide some more insight/clarity on these two relay settings.

And what could be available settings to achieve below things (In Ref to Relay fine tuning only)-