Relay Drive property is having issue

I used relay drive movement fixlet and after that i faced issue relay drive is not visible in Bigfix console

If you can go to that computer info page and see what the error was it would help

Is it ?

The relevance for this is

(name of it & " - " & (free space of it / 1024 / 1024) as string & " MB free") of drive of (folder (value of setting "_BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath" of client)) as string

So it suggests that the setting might not be there?

i have seen settings is there in the computer settings and i can see from the local system Fixlett debugger as well but not from the console?

strong text

If you run the above relevance on the machine what do you get?

It got refresh automatically after few hours. Thanks

Once again i am getting this error if i moved relay cache drive that is wwwrootbes folder , in the server qna i am getting the correct out put that is E drive , but on the console i do see BES Relay drive as error reported

It could be that the property doesn’t evaluate as regularly as you are expecting it to and thus gets an error. Does the problem go away over time?

I am getting this error message on number of the relay servers where I moved relay drive , however not on all but on few servers.

So what is the value of _BESRelay_HTTPServer_ServerRootPath and does that directory exist?

I think path is not correct on few servers. I am checking

Thanks for your help.