Re: Sites and Applicable Computers

(imported topic written by jools8691)

We have several baslines, fixlet messages and tasks which we want to create in a SITE which is not the users operator site.

i.e. I am a member of the Workstation Engineering Group and as such want my colleagues in the team to share my fixlet messages, tasks and baselines.

however when we create them (or create custom copy from operators site) in a different site, which the user is writer,reader and owner on, no applicable computers appear. We have also notice another feature which is that if I create a TASK in the WORKSTATION ENGINEERING Site which was created, other members of the WORKSTATION ENGINEERING site cannot see/view it! However if we log on as an ADMIN they can see it.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

hi jools,

Which version of BES are you running?


(imported comment written by jools8691)


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi jools,

Do you actually see the Fixlets/Tasks? Are they visible, but there are no applicable computers? or are they not even there?

If it is the former, make sure that you have subscribed some agents to the custom sites (see the “Edit Settings” dialog by right clicking on some computers to subscribe agents)…

Also, I think we fixed some behaviors around custom site visibility issues in and so if you can upgrade to the newer version, it might help.


(imported comment written by jools8691)

Thanks for your help Ben. I will raise an officical call pertaining to this then.