Rbagent.exe is not working

Hello Experts,

I am trying to generate binding grid, while generating the binding grid getting a error " Unable to download rbagent.exe utility. I have old rbagent.exe file which is already copied in user’s profile (earlier it was working). Now I downloaded new version of rbagent.exe and copied it at same location, getting same error.

Kindly Assist… :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance.

I don’t believe this is part of our product. What component do you think it belongs to?

Rbagent is part of OS Deployment and Bare Metal Imaging.

I’ve seen that occasionally. Have you tried closing and restarting the console?

Thanks Jason

I have restart the console twice but no luck, I logged off from the server and login again same issue, I downloaded latest rbagent still no luck.

Hi. You say “i downloaded the latest rbagent still no luck”.
If you are running in an air-gapped environment please note that a problem was recently found where the
download of the rbagent may results in the download of the older agent.
OSD Site 67 needs rbagent version 290.06. You can verify the version of you agent.exe by right mouse
clicking on the executable > properties > details. It should be build 290.06
If you find 280.80 instead this is your problem. In this case you can downlad the correct executable to
use in your airgapped envronment using this links instead.
Hope this helps

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Hi Asecoman,

Thanks for reply

Its working now … many thanks :slight_smile: