(imported topic written by Robert91)
I am trying to build a custom fixlet that looks at two items:
Is hardware a laptop
Does file exist
I am having a hard time creating the revelence for this. This is what I have:
if (exists wmi) then ((exists selects “* from win32_Battery” of wmi OR exists string value whose (it as lowercase contains “laptop”) of selects “ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure” of wmi ) as string) else (“N/A”) and exists (file “C:\Program Files\MEM Proxy\proxysettings.exe”)
The first part - I got from the site manager properties and I created the second part which works with the QNA, but putting them together gives an error:
Q: if (exists wmi) then ((exists selects “* from win32_Battery” of wmi OR exists string value whose (it as lowercase contains “laptop”) of selects “ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure” of wmi ) as string) else (“N/A”) and exists (file “C:\Program Files\MEM Proxy\proxysettings.exe”)
E: A boolean expression is required.
Any help would be appreciated.