Question regarding custom fixlet

(imported topic written by Robert91)

I am trying to build a custom fixlet that looks at two items:

  1. Is hardware a laptop

  2. Does file exist

I am having a hard time creating the revelence for this. This is what I have:

if (exists wmi) then ((exists selects “* from win32_Battery” of wmi OR exists string value whose (it as lowercase contains “laptop”) of selects “ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure” of wmi ) as string) else (“N/A”) and exists (file “C:\Program Files\MEM Proxy\proxysettings.exe”)

The first part - I got from the site manager properties and I created the second part which works with the QNA, but putting them together gives an error:

Q: if (exists wmi) then ((exists selects “* from win32_Battery” of wmi OR exists string value whose (it as lowercase contains “laptop”) of selects “ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure” of wmi ) as string) else (“N/A”) and exists (file “C:\Program Files\MEM Proxy\proxysettings.exe”)

E: A boolean expression is required.

Any help would be appreciated.


(imported comment written by jessewk)

This is for fixlet relevance? In that case you need to adapt the battery relevance so that it returns a boolean true or false, instead of the strings “N/A” or “True”

Thats easy:

exists wmi AND (exists selects “* from win32_Battery” of wmi OR exists string value whose (it as lowercase contains “laptop”) of selects “ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure” of wmi )

All you need to do now is add your file relevance:

exists wmi AND (exists selects “* from win32_Battery” of wmi OR exists string value whose (it as lowercase contains “laptop”) of selects “ChassisTypes from Win32_SystemEnclosure” of wmi ) AND exists file “C:\Program Files\MEM Proxy\proxysettings.exe”