Does this client setting “_BESRelay_UploadManager_CleanupHours” on the BES Root get leveraged by the FillDB process (is a service bounce required?) or the BESAdmin cleanup schedules?
If the setting doesn’t exist, I assume there is no cleanup. If the setting does exist but with no value, the time is 72hours?
The CleanupHours setting is to cleanup uploaded data on the relay or the server have been not elaborated for a lot of time, i.e. have been not forwarded on the relay and not copied in the ‘dedicated position’ on the server, under the bufferDir
A problem with this setting have been addressed starting from 9.5.17/10.0.2 with the folloing DA:
DA KB0084859 - Task to cleanup obsolete files uploaded in the Temp folder not working
That setting have nothing to do with admin tool or the filldb … and its default value is valid both if the setting is not explicitely indicated or its value is blank ( or an invalid number ) …