This is gonna be really simple I know - I just can’t seem to get it so please ignore my newbness
I am creating an analysis to query test.txt
This works:
Q: if exists file “C:\Users\John\Documents\test.txt” whose ( exists (lines whose ( it contains “test” ) of it )) then “Found” else “Not Found”
however I fail in the syntax to use for when I want to look for one word OR another
So if I wanted to find “test” or “new test” in the text file.
We can add the ‘OR’ logic directly in the whose filter:
if (exists file "C:\Users\John\Documents\test.txt" whose ( exists (lines whose ( it as lowercase contains "test" as lowercase OR it as lowercase contains "new test" as lowercase) of it )) ) then "Found" else "Not Found"