Query specific windows service on all computers

i’m trying to query computers who has a specific service exists in the windows system
i did this :
service names of service whose (display name of it as lowercase contains “service display name”)

i must have did something wrong because it’s not showing me results

Without knowing more about the service you’re querying, and how you’re querying it, I have 3 guesses on potential issues:

  1. Please be sure you’re supplying the display name of the service in the ‘whose’ filter (as opposed to the service name)


  1. Since you are casting the display name to be lowercase in your whose filter, please be sure that the value supplied in double quotes is also in lowercase, or cast it in lowercase too.

  2. Please be sure you’re leveraging standard double quote characters rather than ‘smart quotes’.

Here’s an example that I’d expect to work:

Q: service names of service whose (display name of it as lowercase contains "bes client" as lowercase)
A: BESClient