QnA on remote PC's, any word?

(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)

I remember hearing a rumor prior to the BES 6.0 release that there was an upcoming version of QnA to be released that enabled you to run it against remote machines. Any truth to that and, if so, any word on a release date or a beta to try?

Thanks all, as always.

Paul Sisk

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Paul,

Unfortunately, we have a policy of not discussing roadmap on the forums.

We are quite sure that our competitors go through our forums and technical documentation routinely and although we are very open with all our technical information, but we don’t want to give them hints at what we are doing.

Everyone might get a kick out of this:

Check out Patchlink’s documentation (on Novell’s website) at http://www.novell.com/documentation/zenworks65/pdfdoc/pl60/plinstall.pdf . Specifically look at page #7. Note the description under the picture.

Just in case they change it, the Patchlink documentation currently (12/21/06) reads:

“Note: The blue arrows in this diagram are intended to illustrate the flow of report messages and actions throughout the enterprise. Agents post small amounts of information to the Patch Management Server as well, but the bulk of the bandwidth goes the other way, from the Server to the Client, as indicated by the direction of the arrows. The green arrow represents the flow of Fixlet messages into your network. This data transfer is strictly one-way; information never leaves your network.”

Not only are there no green or blue arrows in the current picture, but they are using the word “Fixlet”! This is a BigFix trademarked term!

Hopefully this text looks familiar to you guys, because it certainly does to me… I wrote it!

Check out our old admin doc page 4 (released several years ago): http://support.bigfix.com/product/documents/BESAdminGuide_4_1.pdf

“Note: The arrows in this diagram are intended to illustrate the flow of information throughout the enterprise. BES Clients gather Fixlet messages and action information from BES Relays or directly from the BES Server. They then send small amounts of information back to the BES Server through the BES Relays. The arrow from the BigFix Fixlet Servers to the BES Server represents the flow of Fixlet messages into your network. This data transfer is strictly one-way; information never leaves your network.”

Can you believe that Patchlink/Novell blatantly ripped off our documentation, changed it slightly, and then forgot to remove the word “Fixlet”?!?! Dirty.

I guess it is a form of flattery that our competitors think that BigFix has such great documentation that they flat out steal it.

For the record, this documentation has had the word “Fixlet” in it for at least 2 years now. Also, they have recently updated the picture because it used to look extremely similar to the picture in our documentation.


Clock is ticking now… We can see how often Patchlink reads our forums to figure out how quickly they fix this mistake (or maybe this comment will make them keep it up)… :slight_smile:

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Also, they misspelled “Caching” in the picture…