Problems with KB982726

(imported topic written by Alex Alas)

Good Afternoon,

I have problems with KB982726. I have an Air-Gapped Network so I get my updates using the Air-Gapped process. The past month I have issues with KB982726. When this particular update gets downloaded (using the BESDownloader) the sha1 name does not match the name that shows up in my TEM server (when I ran the AirGap tool) so the action never takes place because it keeps saying It needs to be downloaded. I tried to download the file manually and converting the name using the SHA1 tool but again, the name does not match. I even tried to rename the update to match the name that shows up in the description but then the action fails with error “Download failed”.

Please help,

Thanks in advance,


(imported comment written by JasonL.)

Hi Alex,

It seems that Microsoft has updated this content. As of now, the download page links on
are both broken. However the URL of the patches remain unchanged. We would process and re-release the updated content in the near future.

Thanks for reporting,


(imported comment written by Alex Alas)


Thanks for your input. What should I do with this update then? Manually install it on all my machines or wait until the content gets updated?



(imported comment written by JasonL.)

Hi Alex,

I would suggest you wait for the updated content unless this is critical and urgent for you.



(imported comment written by Alex Alas)

Hello Jason,

I can wait. Not an urgent issue. Is there a way to be notified when this updated content gets refreshed?

Thanks for your input again,



(imported comment written by JasonL.)

Hello Alex,

Sorry for the late reply. The BES admin announcement would definitely include this. If you have not subscribed to that, maybe you would want to consider doing so at

Thank you!


(imported comment written by sylviabeing)

Hi Alex,

There is a new update for KB982726 in June. We will refresh the content for June’s update soon.


(imported comment written by sylviabeing)

Hi Alex,

Here is the refreshed content for KB982726. Please check out!

New Fixlet Messages:

[Major] 982726: Description of the Outlook 2010 Junk Email Filter update 982726 [Jun 2014] - Outlook 2010 (x64) (ID: 98272607)

[Major] 982726: Description of the Outlook 2010 Junk Email Filter update 982726 [Jun 2014] - Outlook 2010 (ID: 98272605)

