Problem occured when uploading file

(imported topic written by ErinC91)

Hi all,

I’m currently trying to package up Office 2007 to be deployed.

I get the above error when trying to create the package. I’ve had this before but only with particularly large deployments (guessing 400mb+)

Any known issues with large packages ? Or is it something misbehaving on our end ? I’m at a loss.

When the package creation fails, I can see that the actual folder and compressed file has been created on the server but the entry in the Tasks tab list has not. ie in the \BES Server\wwwrootbes\Uploads folder. Very frustrating.

Any assistance appreciated, thanks. Should I raise this with our reseller support ?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi ErinC,

What version of BigFix are you using?

Also, in the short term to workaround this issue, you can copy the files directly to the upload folder (if you need to compress the file before copying to the upload folder, you can use the bfarchive tool from )


(imported comment written by ErinC91)

Hi Ben,

We’re running at the moment

I did some more testing yesterday and the issue even crops up when packaging files of ~200MB

Is it possible that an over-active AV program on the server may cause this problem ?