Prefetch block with execute prefect plugin error

Doing a little trickiness and testing if a file is available for download on a local server before pulling it via the relay cache. My script is all set and does it’s job as expected, however the part I’m having issues with is the download of the script first. It acts like it goes through the motions to download the script, but then blows by and I get an error on the prefetch execution.

I can manually put the file in the __Download folder of the site and everything works as expected. Any idea why the prefetch on the script isn’t working?

begin prefetch block
	parameter "pName"="myfile"
	parameter "pSha1"="71266dd68ebd07d4bc6ecaea519017905ff5e622"
	parameter "pSize"="3929"

	parameter "workingDir"="{pathname of client folder of current site}"

	add prefetch item name=ucPackageCheck.vbs sha1=f2c11c77eaf3031513dd6dcb3195745540056a4d size=5564 url=
	collect prefetch items
	parameter "ucCheck"="{parameter "workingDir"}\__Download\ucPackageCheck.vbs"

	parameter "manifest"="{parameter "workingDir"}\manifest.notfound"
	execute prefetch plug-in "C:\Windows\System32\cscript.exe" "{parameter "ucCheck"}" "/name:{parameter "pName"}.zip" "/sha1:{parameter "pSha1"}" "/size:{parameter "pSize"}" "/workingdir:{parameter "workingdir"}"
	if {exists file (parameter "manifest")}
		add prefetch item {concatenation " ; " of lines of file (parameter "manifest")}
end prefetch block

I’m not sure if it’s more of a race condition or if I just didn’t set up the first prefetch / collect prefetch items
correctly. My prefetch-plugin is seemingly erroring out because the vbs file isn’t being downloaded.