Post-Action Script to set property on another endpoint

hey community,
I want to set a property on another endpoint once an action completes on an endpoint. so highlevel would be:

deploy action to endpoint1
actions completes on endpoint1
post-action script sets property on endpoint2

the only way I can think of doing this is make an api call to endpoint2 at the end of endpoint1 action (post-action script). if this is the only way thats fine, but does anyone know how to hash the password for the api use so it’s not stored in plain text??

if anyone has ever set up the workflow for something like this or has any suggestions i’d appreciate it.

If you have the BigFix LifeCycle license, I think you can do something similar with Server Automation and Workplans.

Thanks Jason for the feedback. I was gonna go that route but it was a little to static for what i need to do. i’m thinking of going api to get more dynamic fidelity.
