Possible backout by MS on KB2753842

(imported topic written by SLB)

Just an FYI

We’ve notied that MS have expired all versions of MS12-078, KB2753842 in WSUS and Windows Update no longer list the patch (MBSA still seem to though). It also appear that some of the download URL’s for some version of the patch may have been removed pending investigation into problems introduced by the patch. I see the XP patch is still available but Win7 download from http://download.microsoft.com/download/C/6/3/C63E25FA-8EDD-47DF-A13F-A83E1404385C/Windows6.1-KB2753842-x64.msu looks to have been pulled so the fixlets may fail unless already cached.



(imported comment written by SLB)

Just received notification from MS that the KB has undergone a major update. No doubt there will be fixlet updates in the pipeline

rereleased update KB2753842 to resolve an issue with OpenType

fonts not properly rendering after the original update was

installed. Customers who have successfully installed the

original KB2753842 update need to install the rereleased update.

  • Originally posted: December 11, 2012

  • Updated: December 20, 2012

  • Version: 2.0



(imported comment written by CSL2012)

I too am awaiting for version 2 re-release of KB2753842.

Reason for Revision: V2.0 (December 20, 2012): Rereleased update KB2753842 to resolve an issue with OpenType fonts not properly rendering after the original update was installed. Customers who have successfully installed the original KB2753842 update need to install the rereleased update. Originally posted: December 11, 2012. Updated: December 20, 2012. Bulletin Severity Rating: Critical. Version: 2.0

(imported comment written by MBARTOSH)

Does anyone know when the new version will be released?

(imported comment written by TerryWeiChao)

We are working on the re-release one for (* MS12-078 - Critical). The content will be available in couple of hours.


(imported comment written by TerryWeiChao)

The announcement is here: https://www.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=465998&tstart=0