(imported topic written by Bigfeex)
I’m attempting to deploy a policy against an automatic computer group that sets the “_BESRelay_Register_Affiliation_AdvertisementList” settings for the systems therein. I’m attempting to create this from a “take custom action” so I can name the object and don’t end up with a bunch of ambiguously named “Change ‘_BESRelay_Register_Affiliation_AdvertisementList’” actions. I also want to make this a policy so that the list of systems in the automatic group will have this setting reapplied should it be removed by mistake.
In the “take custom action”, I’m applying the below relevance and action as a policy to be reapplied whenever relevant again. The success criteria is the below relevance evaluting to false.
(((not exists setting “_BESRelay_Register_Affiliation_AdvertisementList” of client) AND (value of it does not equal ((“corp;*”) as string))) of setting “_BESRelay_Register_Affiliation_AdvertisementList” of client)
action script:
setting “_BESRelay_Register_Affiliation_AdvertisementList”=“corp%3b%2a” on “{now}” for client
With the desired setting(s) removed from the systems in the auto group, I’m not oberving that this action is catching the systems with the above relevance, therefore, not taking the desired action. What am I missing in my relevance that will pick these systems up if those values are missing or not correct?
Thank you