Platform API - targetting

(imported topic written by nberger91)

Hi, The Platform API/BESImportFile works well. My question is how do you target specific computers ?

When the action is created, it seems to target


computers and currently I have to embed an if statement within the action to restrict the action from running on more than the one intended computer, for example -

if {computer name = “EMEA*****”}

//run script


I dont see anywhere in the .BES file (xml) to edit/add targetting.

Is there a workaround ?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Try adding //Relvance commands here// as a child node under of your .bes file

(imported comment written by nberger91)

Yup, ended up doing that but didnt think it was the most optimized way of targetting. thanks for the response.