Hello all,
I am newbie to Bigfix and I was informed that job was configured to run every week, so BigFix will check internet for any new released patches and download new patches if any. since 3 weeks I am not seeing any new patches on my console.
how to check whether configured job to download patches is running smoothly. also where i can check this server logs.
Don’t have my server up, but it should be in there.
…\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\GatherDB\
It will tell you if you have Gathered Content.
Curiously, have you enabled sites in the License Dashboard?
BigFix Management -> License Dashboard?
Thanks and sorry for late response.
Windows patches downloaded automatically after we allow internet on Bigfix server.
but i am still curious to know how BigFix is downloading Patches from Internet, like is there any job running in Bigfix to download patches?
BigFix will download the actual patch payload, when you take the action against the endpoints.
It will download the new fixlets within a set period after they are released. It is within 24 hours in most environments.
Strongly suggest you contact @mleaphar and find the next “Intro to BigFix” training session. We’ve been hosting them frequently lately.
It sounds like your server was running in what we call an “Air Gap” configuration. Where the BigFix server itself cannot connect to the Internet.
In a “Normal” server configuration, the Server can “phone home” to look for any new content (Fixlets/Tasks/etc). Once this content is pulled down by the Server, it is distributed to the Endpoints for evaluation.
In an Air Gapped Server configuration, your BigFix server cannot reach out to SYNC.BIGFIX.COM to get the latest versions of the “Sites” that contain the Fixlets. To update the content on a server with this configuration, you have to either occasionally allow the server to reach out to the Internet, or use another computer to perform the Site Gather process, and then feed the data to the BigFix server.
More Reading: