Parsing Failure error

(imported topic written by C8GH_Prabhu_Missier)

I have created a new external site under the EndPoint protection domain and this has not yet been deployed externally to customers. There are fixlets which have been added and show up as relevant and do their intended jobs perfectly.

However I get a warning whenever I click on the Endpoint Protection domain and these errors are as follows:

class ParsingFailure

in site “mysite”

in file “mysite.BESDomain”

in filter

in relevance “”

Can someone enlighten me as to what is happening here? All my fixlets have been tested on QnA and work as expected and there have been no parsing errors

(imported comment written by kevin_friedheim)

looks like there might be problems with your domain spec (BESDOMAIN file). Maybe bad relevance or something.

check out other BESDOMAIN files for examples of how they should look.

You can use Ctrl+Shift+R to reload the domain bar in the console once you have made changes (pro tip)

If you still can’t figure it out, you can post your domain spec and we can take a look.