Parse Text file for lines above and below entry

written by FITZPAW91)

I have a really tricky question. I need to parse a firmware install log file for the software installed, which could (but not always) appear at multiple locations in the file. Then I would like to find the last entry, and grab the the version number (which are not on the same line as the product name)

Example - I want to get the last HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2 installed entry in text file C:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log

It might also be HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2003 as name.

Setup Session Beginning 7/17/2010 - 11:42:09 AM

Command Line Parameters Given: /force /silent

Name: HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2 <------------------- this information

New Version: <------------------- this information

Setup Session Beginning 2011-05-20 - 07:35:24

Command Line Parameters Given: /silent

Name: HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2 <------------------- this information

New Version: <------------------- this information

Thanks for any help


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

If I understand you correctly, the following might work.

I have left the build up statements as examples. The last relevance statement is the one we want with some error checking included.

q: lines whose (it contains “HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2”) of file "c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log"
A: Name: HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2
A: Name: HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2

q: line numbers of lines whose (it contains “HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2”) of file "c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log"
A: 6
A: 17

q: maximum of (it as integer + 1) of line numbers of lines whose (it contains “HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2”) of file "c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log"
A: 18

q: lines whose (line number of it = maximum of (it as integer + 1) of line numbers of lines whose (it contains “HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2”) of file “c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”) of file "c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log"
A: New Version:

q: (it as trimmed string) of following text of first “New Version:” of lines whose (line number of it = maximum of (it as integer + 1) of line numbers of lines whose (it contains “HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2”) of file “c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”) of file "c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log"

q: if (exists file “c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log” and exists lines whose (it contains “HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2”) of file “c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”) then ((it as trimmed string) of following text of first “New Version:” of lines whose (line number of it = maximum of (it as integer + 1) of line numbers of lines whose (it contains “HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2”) of file “c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”) of file “c:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”) else (“Not applicable”)

Lee Wei

written by FITZPAW91)

Thanks Lee

That was exactly what I was looking for, except that in the relevance debugger it runs for 25 seconds… Not a good one too kick out on all my environment to see latest firmware versions at a glance.

Thanks anyways, now I know how to do it, and should be able to move on.


written by SystemAdmin)

Hey William,

Currerntly the expression runs an N squared operation (for every line of the file, it has to re-read every line of the file). Here is a different rendition of the same expression, that just first finds the line numbers, then just prints out the lines (basically just reads the file twice)

   it as trimmed string
 of following text of first "New Version:" of 
   item 1 of it
   item 1 of it, lines of item 0 of it
   line number of item 1 of it = item 0 of it
 maximum of 
   line number of it + 1
 of lines 
   it contains "HP Network Configuration Utility for Windows Server 2008 R2"
 of it
 of file "c:\test.txt"

written by jgstew)

Using the above example, I was able to construct relevance to return the last 100 lines of a log file. Some log files can grow extremely large, and it would be a bad idea to report 1000+ lines into an analysis property, and it is very likely that you only care about the newest lines with the most recent log entries.

See this analysis for the example:

The specific property is here:

Any sufficiently complicated relevance is indistinguishable from magic.

1 Like

written by FITZPAW91)

Thanks Zak,

Works like a charm. I should now be able to see all my firmware versions in a single location, and be able to know if i am up to date.


written by FITZPAW91)

I have been working with Zaks code, but i have found that on some logs the information is on the second line from the search results. So I am trying to double Zaks code so that I have

line number of it + 1


line number of it + 2

My code looks like this so far, but is only showing results from the first item

If (exists file “C:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”) THEN ((it as trimmed string) of following text of first “New Version:” of (item 1 of it) of (item 1 of it, lines of item 0 of it) whose (line number of item 1 of it = item 0 of it) of (it, (maximum of (line number of it + 2) of lines whose (it contains “HP ProLiant iLO 2 Management Controller Driver for Windows”) of it)) of file “C:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”) ELSE ((it as trimmed string) of following text of first “New Version:” of (item 1 of it) of (item 1 of it, lines of item 0 of it) whose (line number of item 1 of it = item 0 of it) of (it, (maximum of (line number of it + 1) of lines whose (it contains “HP ProLiant iLO 2 Management Controller Driver for Windows”) of it)) of file “C:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”)

I threw in the If (exists file “C:\cpqsystem\log\cpqsetup.log”) only to avoid getting the boolean error. I know this is wrong, but I am not sure how to work around it.

Is there a way to do this?
