Parents Dependence ( Physical -> Virtual ) machines

(imported topic written by FelipeFariasZanoello)

Hi Folks

We are working in a project to integrate the ticket tool Remedy with IBM IEM.

My doubt is relate with the physical and virtual machines.

We need to identify, that the virtual machine A belongs to physical machine B.

Do yoy know, if is it possible to have a field with this information? Or another way to identify this?

Because in OCS Tool, ADDM and SCCM have this information and i believe that IBM IEM too, but we didn’t found any reference about this in IBM repository

(imported comment written by jgstew)

I’m not exactly sure how to do this, but how would you do it through the command line, or what would you look for to correlate them? How do the other products do it? Is this info in the registry, WMI, a file, etc…?

It could be that this is only possible through Session Relevance / Dashboard / Web Reports, and might not be possible directly with relevance / analysis, but I would know better if I knew how to find the info in the first place.