I’m still working on relevance and slowly but surely getting there. This is just an example of what I’m trying to understand.
looking for the dns server
q: properties whose (it as string contains "dns servers")
A: dns servers of <network>: network address list
A: dns servers of <network adapter>: network address list
the one above works, but this one doesn’t
q: properties whose (it as string contains <"dns servers">)
E: This expression could not be parsed.
Why does this work? Why does it have to be in that order - address - dns servers - adapters - network?
q: address of dns servers of adapters of network
T: 46.102 ms
I: singular ipv4 address
Why does it have to be ‘adapters of network’ to get any info when network adapter is an object with dns servers as a property?
q: properties whose (it as string contains "<network adapter>")
A: internet connection firewall of <network adapter>: internet connection firewall
A: address lists of <network adapter>: network address list
A: dns servers of <network adapter>: network address list
I’d appreciate any clarification on this that might help me get over the hump of understanding this.