Options to deal with relays on Linux that have too many download folders

Dear Community,

I’m running into a too many inodes problem on some of our BigFix relays. Apparently there are some old obsolete cached files that should’ve been removed long ago.

Bottom line: relays running on Red Hat Linux, I can’t ssh there and I have no root access.

My only option is to use BigFix action.

  • I can’t use WARNING: BES Server/Relays Have Too Many Download Folders https://bigfix.me/fixlet/details/410 because it’s for Relays running on Windows.

  • I can’t followf the steps http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21668058 as I would need to access via ssh the server to stop the relay service and client service via the terminal. Is there a BigFix task to Stop/Start relay-, client service? Can I skip stopping these services and just delete the bfemapfile.xml and GatherState.xml files and delete the /var/opt/wwwrootbes/bfmirror/bfsites directory as it is and recreate with another BigFix task the bfsites directory?

Fun part is that the cache size is not a problem. There just too many files everywhere.

Are there any other directories that I can just delete with a task and maybe recreate them empty?

Thanks for you help!