Operator Identification and Uploading to a Different Directory

(imported topic written by David_Chewning91)

I have two questions:

  1. Is there any way for the client to know what operator issued a task? Something like {name of operator} could be useful in relevance.

  2. Currently when uploading a file with:

// set max size to 10971520 to prevent too much data. If the zip file is to bigger than 10MBs the upload won’t occur

setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_MaxArchiveSize”=“10971520” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_OperatingMode”=“2” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

setting “_BESClient_ArchiveManager_FileSet-CMD”=“C:\somefile.txt” on “{parameter “action issue date” of action}” for client

// send results

archive now

It goes to: C:\Program Files (x86)\BigFix Enterprise\BES Server\UploadManagerData\BufferDir\sha1<last 2 digits of computer id><computer id>

Is there any way to direct it to a different specific folder?

To tie the two questions together uploading the file to something like “{“C:\output” & name of operator & “”}” would be great.


(imported comment written by Lee Wei)

On the Server side, we cannot specify the locations for the file uploads.

The files do go into the directories as you have indicated.

(imported comment written by FITZPAW91)

Hi All

How about for the original question

  1. Is there any way for the client to know what operator issued a task? Something like {name of operator} could be useful in relevance.

I would like to use this to email out from the server who was responsible for patching the server, for auditing purposes later.



(imported comment written by NoahSalzman)

Well, from the Console side you can use relevance like this:

names of issuers of bes actions whose (id of it is )