Operator access to Power Tracking Dashboard & Wake-on-Lan Wizard menu

(imported topic written by Pete_Andrews19)

I’ve recently installed and configured the power management site. All appears to be working correctly ie: tracking has been activated for all PC’s and analyses for current config are running. However, I can only see the Power Tracking Dashboard & Wake-on-Lan Wizard menu items in the BES console for a master operator account. Standard operators don’t appear to have these menu items. This is a significant problem for us as the staff who will administer this solution (and will be required to “wake up” machines) are not master operators. Can I activate these menu options for standard operators ? Thanks for your help.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Pete,

You do not need to be a master operator to use the power management features. Do you not see the items in the Dashboard and Wizard menu in the BES Console? If not, can you go to Tools > Manage Sites and make sure those sites are available to the operators (perhaps someone had removed access for your operators). Also, you should check that the power management Fixlets/Tasks have not been Globally Hidden.


(imported comment written by Pete_Andrews19)

Hi Ben,

Thanks for the quick response. I’ve verified that both “all master operators” and “all non-master operators” have access to the site in the manage sites dialog. I’ve also checked that all fixlets / tasks relating to power management are globally unhidden. I’ve posted a quick comparison screenshot below to illustrate the problem. Note, standard operators can see the power management fixlets / tasks - only the dashboard and WOL wizard menus are missing.

Best regards,


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey Pete,

Do the users have access to “Custom Fixlet Content” (you can look in BES Admin to see this information).


(imported comment written by Pete_Andrews19)

Hi Ben,

The operators don’t have access to create custom content. I’ve granted rights to one operator to test and they can now see the required menu’s. Why does this require custom content access, is this a bug or by design ? Thanks again for your help.

Best regards,


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hi Peter,

The Power Management Dashboard and Wizards need to create custom Fixlets/Actions to enable/disable power monitoring and to change power policies. For some specific technical reasons, these are considered “custom content” by the BigFix Console (partially for historical reasons and partially for security reasons).

We are considering ways to address this in future revisions of power management, but for now, it is a requirement for the dashboard/wizards.
