Operating System Inspector Nuances

When running the name of operating system command on 2 almost identical servers, I get varying results from BF10 and BF9 but can’t seem to work out where it’s taking the name of the operating system from as /etc/release doesn’t seem to have text that matches the output for the endpoints.

/etc/release shows identical information on both endpoints

server1:~ # /opt/BESClient/bin/qna
Default masthead location, using /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm
Q: name of operating system
A: Linux Red Hat Enterprise 8.6
T: 4115

server1:~ # rpm -q BESAgent

server2:~ # /opt/BESClient/bin/qna
Default masthead location, using /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm
Q: name of operating system
A: Linux Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.6
T: 4254

server2:~ # rpm -q BESAgent

Any ideas?

Support for RHEL 8 was added in 9.5.17, so the OS name may be un-normalized in earlier versions

Do you have any idea where it takes the data from?

Do we know which version “normalised” the OS names also?

The base of it would be from /etc/redhat-release, but we do a translation/normalization so the OS names always fit a pattern (like “starts with Linux”).
But we sometimes need to update those normalizations, which would come in a specific client version.
The 9.5.14 client is unsupported on Red Hat 8, and is probably lacking that name normalization.

Perfect! Thanks Jason, that makes sense and gives me exactly what I need :slight_smile:

@JasonWalker I’ve just had to check this again as the person who raised it wanted me to look at it again

It seems the support for RHEL 8 came in 9.5.14 :frowning:

Any ideas?

@AlanM something you can advise?

Ah, quite right - what I see in the 9.5.17 changelog was an update to the KB article detailing RHEL 8 support.