Are there still plans to post this video on youtube? I am interested in reviewing the session again, and I have coworkers who may be interested as well.
The audio was horrible. I need to re-record it. It is on my to do list
The replay is posted at
I’m sorry about the quality of the audio.
I’m sorry for the delay. The replay now is at
Adam, I posted it anyway, since we wanted it as prerequisite viewing for the 2017-02-23 Baselines Q and A Open Mic.
Forgive me if I’m missing something here, but after watching the presentation via the youtube channel am I correct in saying that every month that the BigFix console receives new updates from Microsoft an entirely new baseline will have to be created? The synchronizing feature is only for the fixlets/components that existed in previous baselines correct?
I believe that’s the recommended practice/routine. This keeps the baseline size manageable.
When you create a baseline, it creates it based on the current content of those fixlets / tasks. If there are any updates, changes or things become superseded, the baseline still references the original versions. Syncing helps update those fixlets/tasks to the latest version, or lets you know when you can remove the superseded ones etc…
I have seen this only with Server 2012R2 VMs - it is annoying, I just got into the habit of forcing it to apply patches and shutdown, instead of apply patches and reboot. Have to do it manually, but that is better than it going into the fugue state where it ignores all rdp/ctrl-alt-del/etc but ping works. wierd.
Yes, that is correct, but there are some existing dashboards / wizards / WebUI Autopatch / REST API automation to help with this.
- Automatic Baseline Creation and eventually AutoPatching
- Patching wizard in BigFix Labs