Office 2007- 2GB

(imported topic written by cstoneba)

I am trying to package the office 2007 install folder but it looks like the bfarchive tool has a maximum output of 2GB. I first tried it and it gave a output file with a size of 2.00 GB. Then I removed about 300 MBs from the folders and archived it again, and again it gave me a file of 2GB.

How is everyone else deploying Office 2007? thanks

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Is it over 2gb when compressed?


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

Exactley at 2GB when compressed.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

So you are saying when you compress it outside of BigFix (like with WinZip), it ends up with 2GB?


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

No. When I use the bfarchive tool (even when I pulled out 300 MB from the source folder), it still compresses it to 2GB. I haven’t tried using a third part compression tool.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey cstoneba,

Many parts of our code used the old-style Windows file handlers for reverse compatibility with older OSes, but they imposed a 2GB limit. We have upgraded the file handlers to newer versions of the MS APIs that don’t have such as small file limitation, but I think there are a few places remaining until our next major release…

It would be interesting to see how close you are to the 2GB mark… a quick way to get a reference point would be to quickly try the compression in a tool like WinZip…


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

I can try that. Do you suggestion high compression or just standard? I’m guessing we want to be as similar as the bfarchive tool is.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Just normal would be fine for a reference.


(imported comment written by cstoneba)

Winrar made a .rar of it and it completed with a size of 2.31GB.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

OK… so it is a bit bigger than 2GB…

You might try something like this…

  • Separate your package into two folders that are smaller than 2GB.
  • Compress both folders into two packages.
  • Download both packages and then move the folders to some location and run them…
  • So the actionscript will look roughly like:

download file1

download file2

waithidden cmd.exe /C mkdir C:\temp\office2007

extract file1

move __Download\folder1 C:\temp\office2007\folder1

extract file2

move __Download\folder2 C:\temp\office2007\folder2

waithidden C:\temp\office2007\installer.exe

Let me know if that helps,


(imported comment written by lmpymilk91)


Winrar made a .rar of it and it completed with a size of 2.31GB.

if using rar is an option for you… you can make the archive split to 1GB each or any other size you like.

Then use a command line like the one below to extract

rar x -v -y <Path2Archive>\<NameOfArchive>*.rar <Path2Destination>  >nul


rar x -v -y Z:\Cisco_VPN_Client_v*.rar c:\temp\ >nul

(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Which client version was being used for these tests?

Is an updated client version available that doesn’t have the 2G limitation?

(imported comment written by cstoneba)

I was able to get this to work. I broke up the installation folders into 1 GB segments, then zipped them with WinZip. I then used the software distribution wizard to get them onto the BigFix server. In my action script, I first had to extract them, then extract the .zip with the unzip.exe application. Everything is working great.

TimRice, my client version is 7.2

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Hey guys,

I just reconfirmed that this bug has been fixed in the 8.0 branch of the code… sorry for the inconvenience this causes, but glad to see you got an effective workaround.
