(imported topic written by JasonO91)
For some reason some unix machines return “” for the following relevance:
if (exists line whose (it contains “server”) of file “/etc/ntp.conf”) then (lines whose (it contains “server”) of file “/etc/ntp.conf”) else if (exist line whose (it contains “server”) of file “/etc/inet/ntp.conf”) then (lines whose (it contains “server”) of file “/etc/inet/ntp.conf”) else “No NTP Server Configured”
From what I can tell, the errors are created when the file exists but does not contain “server”. In AIX, Linux, and HP-UX ntp.conf is in /etc, and in Solaris it’s in /etc/inet/. I’m checking either file for the line server and if I can’t find it then returning “No NTP Server Configured”
Some help would greatly be appreciated.
It’d be real nice if I could run the QnA against another machine to troubleshoot this on my own