No image found in the catalog


I was trying to deploy BigFix agent to the Ubuntu Machine using BigFix client deploy tool wizard. but I am getting the message no image found in the catalog.
I opened the console as an administrator but still faced same issue.
Need suggestions

Hi, Ubuntu 24 is not supported for BigFix Agent, we have in plan to support it starting from the next 11.0.3 patch planned for end Q3.

Not entirely accurate! I was just asked to test the installation of BESClient on Ubuntu 24 today, and BESClient v11.0.1 went up without a hitch.


From the Download center page at link you can see that Ubuntu 24 is not officially supported, so the CDT doesn’t have the image for it in the catalog:

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What would be exact date ?

So what should do to resolve this problem should I try with manual installation.

Yup try manual install of v11, will work just fine.

You have to consider that Ubuntu24 will be officially supported starting from 11.0.3 that should be released next September, therefore any issue you may find on Ubuntu24 cannot be handled by BigFix support.

Hello All,

I am getting error multiple images found the catalog for windows client deployment.
I have tried reinstalling BigFix client tool. tried with multiple deployment point.

Are you using the Wizard, or the Task? I did encounter a problem with the Task in 11.0 due to adding support for Windows on ARM architecture, but as far as I saw that only affected the Task, not the Wizard.

I tried with both wizard and task but getting the same error. you are suggesting try to deploy bes agent version 10 using wizard then upgrade it to latest one right?

I’m not seeing that error on my deployment. What version console do you have, and what version of BES Client are you trying to deploy, and for which operating systems?

Hello Jason,

This is the latest version (11.0.2) of BigFix server and I am trying to install latest version (11.0.2) of BigFix.

Even I am not seeing any errors in my Environment Actually I am doing installation at one of my client.

Ok you’ll probably need to open a support incident so the team can look at your console logs and determine what’s going on.