I updated the BigFix root servers from 9.5.11 to 9.5.13. In that upgrade, was there a /api/computer/id/tasks API endpoint introduced? I used to hit :52311/api/computer/xxxxxxxx/fixlets to get back the list of relevant content (both fixlets and tasks) but now I have to also pull back :52311/api/computer/xxxxxxxx/tasks.
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Hello cstoneba,
This is expected behavior for 9.5.13
The fix was done to allow query fixlets and tasks separately to make REST API results consistent with Console (“Fixlets only”, “Tasks only”).
You may find examples here:
Where was this breaking change documented?
It’s funny that there’s a desire to separate fixlets & tasks when I thought the WebUI and new products were trying to remove the delineation between the two and just refer to it as content (which would make life much easier).
This behavior has been changed since 9.5 patch 12 and impacts 9.5 patch 12, 13 and 14 …