New BigFix Install for ILMT POC - Question, re: license.pvk

Hi Everyone,

I have a case open at the same time…but am hoping I might get a quicker answer here.

I am attempting to reinstall the BigFix platform on a test server where it was previously installed (not sure who/what/why it was removed). Following the installation documentation, it’s indicated I need a license file at the start of the install (license.pvk). I have the original license from the previous install, can this be reused or do I need to regenerate the key?

Also. all I need is the BigFix-BES-Client- installer, correct? Or do I need a copy of a masthead file too?? (A little confused on all required pieces to kick this install off)

Please note: we have a SQL server already running on this host for BigFix (from the previous install)



Got my question answered. All set.