Need to Read A Value from HKCU (Current User)

(imported topic written by mkearns)

We’re running 8.2 and I’m trying to get the value of HKCU from all of our clients.

Using QnA and the question below will show that I had manually set the value to “5”

Q: value “iLZero” of key “HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\International” of registry

A: 5

However, when I run this as an analysis, I get the value of “1” which I would imagine is due to the fact that its reading the Agent environment which is a system account and not the Current User’s environment. Any advice is appreciated!

(imported comment written by mkearns)

After reading this post (
) I found the answer:

I used the following in my analysis custom property:

value “iLZero” of key “Control Panel\International” of current user key (logged on users) of registry

The result is showing as a value of ‘5’ which is my manual edit