Need help on a session relevance to get last report time via location property

HI All, I am trying to find the “Last repot time” of top level relays through a session relevance using the "Location " property and it shows result as Location operator is not defined, I can able to fetch using the name but that does not show all the results that I need:-1:

Relevance that i am using :-1:
(ID of it, Names of it , Last report time of it) of BES Computers whose ((Location of it as lowercase contains “top”))

Thank you!!

So, while there are a few inspectors that you can query of a given <bes computer> object that happen to be properties (such as ID, Name, Last Report Time, OS), generally, if you want to query a property result of a computer, you have to leverage an inspector that returns a <bes property result>. Looking at, we see that there are a few different methods available:

result <( bes computer, bes property )> : bes property result

result <( bes property, bes computer )> : bes property result

result from <bes property> of <bes computer> : bes property result

Given this, here are some sample session relevance queries that leverage the above methods to filter results based on a property named “Location” (note that this won’t work as is if you have more than one property with the name “Location”):

(ID of it, names of it, last report time of it) of BES Computers whose (relay server flag of it AND value of result (it, bes property “Location”) = “top”)

(ID of it, names of it, last report time of it) of BES Computers whose (relay server flag of it AND value of result (bes property “Location”, it) = “top”)

(ID of it, names of it, last report time of it) of BES Computers whose (relay server flag of it AND value of result from (bes property “Location”) of it = “top”)