Need help about Software Deployment

(imported topic written by bunthoengacsthai91)

Hi all.

I need some suggestion about software deployment

I try to use command “msiexec /i FoxitReader.msi /quiet /norestart /LWAMOE c:\temp\install.log ALLUSERS=1” in Command Line cammand

it can deploy to server (server and console is in the same VmComputer)

but when I deploy to another computers it not wok properly. I can not find software that I just deploy. but it show status complete.

What wrong about my command? please give me some better ways.

Thanks a lot.

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Can you post the whole actionscript?



(imported comment written by bunthoengacsthai91)


this command I use in Software deployment wizard

it just “msiexec /i FoxitReader.msi /quiet /norestart /LWAMOE c:\temp\install.log ALLUSERS=1”

that I fill in.


(imported comment written by bunthoengacsthai91)

any one can help me?

(imported comment written by BenKus)

Is that the whole actionscript?

This won’t work because you haven’t downloaded the file to the computer yet… Where does Foxreader.msi come from?


(imported comment written by SystemAdmin)

Have you packaged this using the software distribution wizard or just made an action with that command?

(imported comment written by bunthoengacsthai91)

Sory for not clear question.

Let’s me try explain step by step

  1. I choose software distribution wizard

  2. I specify the name of task

  1. Then choose the source file that I want to deploy

  1. Select platform for task applicable

  1. Target by OS only

  1. Fill code that I ask

  1. Confirmation


  • And I have some confuse, if I miss to locate file directory in my code, why software ask the file souce in 3.

  • let me know, what step I mistake?


(imported comment written by BenKus)


Thanks for the details. So it looks like you are trying to run FoxReader.msi, but the file that you chose to deploy was SSMSEE.msi. Where is FoxReader.msi supposed to be?


(imported comment written by bunthoengacsthai91)

No, it just an example when I create task, software name not necessary.

think SSMSEE.msi is software that I want to deploy.


(imported comment written by BenKus)

Well… The problem appears to be that your command line doesn’t match the package that you deployed. Change the command line to read “SSMSEE.msi” instead of “FoxReader.msi” and I think it will work.


(imported comment written by bunthoengacsthai91)

thanks Ben, I’ll try and tell result later.

and addition comment are still welcome.