MultipleActionGroup SourceFixletID element requires FixletID. Why?

I am trying to create my Actions in my Custom site. They otherwise land in the operator site, which is causing issues for reporting and it would be cleaner, I think, to have them in the custom site along with the baselines they are related to.

According to BES.xsd, I can specify the site for a MultipleActionGroup in the SourceFixletID element.

SourceFixletID is of type BESActionSourceFixlet, and within that I can choose to set the Sitename. All well and good.

A little further down in the BESActionSourceFixlet specification (BES.xsd lines 512 to 522) we see that a FixletID element is required:

<xs:element name=“FixletID” type=“xs:nonNegativeInteger” minOccurs=“1” maxOccurs=“1”/>

My MultipleActionGroup has many fixlets within it. What FixletID should I specify in the SourceFixletID? I don’t understand, it seems out of context at the top level of the MultipleActionGroup.

I’ve tried setting it to zero, but that results in a 400 error when I post the XML, and the error message: “Specified source object does not exist.”

Any ideas?


Actions are never actually created in custom sites, though it might appear that way at times in the Console.

Actions can be created in one of the following sites (depending on who issues them and how they’re targeted):

  1. Master actionsite
  2. Operator site
  3. Client Mailbox

When you say that having the action land in the operator site leads to issues for reporting, can you provide a bit more details? What is the specific challenge/issue you are trying to address?

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Thanks for your input. That Actions cannot be created in Custom Sites was my original stance on this, but others on my team thought it possible, looked for a way, and found those bits in the schema. As for the reporting, I am not entirely certain, but it may have something to do with limited access of off-shore resources. We’ll find a way around that, I guess.