Most recent comment of fixlets

I’m working on a project where I have the need to report on comments added to fixlets, but only need the most recent comment for each fixlet.

I’ve been able to get the comments easily and see there’s a timestamp.

Here’s my session relevance so far…

(name of it, (timestamp of it as string & " - " & text of it) of comments whose (text of it starts with "Review_") of it) of bes fixlets whose (name of site of it = "Custom Content Sandbox")

I’m struggling to figure out how to retrieve only the most recent comment for each fixlet by timestamp.

Most recent is indeed tricky in relevance (for some good reasons involving the underlying OS API and no assurance of the order of return values).

I have a thread here that should be adaptable to your use case:

Let us know if you need additional guidance?

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