Hi, can anyone of you help?
I would like to modify the relevance from logged on users to users with the most logons in BES.
Can anyone create me the relevance pls?
Relevance Logged on users and member of AD group:
(((exists value whose(it as lowercase = “#GLOBAL_Monthly_Updates_Windows_AlphaGroup” as lowercase ) of components whose(type of it=“CN”) of distinguished names ((distinguished names of groups of it; distinguished names of it) of logged on users of it))) of active directory)
Relevance that returns user with most logons:
(it) whose( multiplicity of it = maximum of multiplicities of unique values of (preceding texts of lasts “’” of following texts of firsts “User interface process started for user '” of it) of lines whose(it contains “User interface process started for user '”) of files whose( (exists lines of it) AND (name of it as uppercase ends with “.LOG”) AND ( (name of it starts with ((it as string) of ( current year )) ) OR (name of it starts with ((it as string) of ( current year - 1year )) ) ) ) of folders “__Global/Logs” of (data folder of client) ) of unique values of (preceding texts of lasts “’” of following texts of firsts “User interface process started for user '” of it) of lines whose(it contains “User interface process started for user '”) of files whose( (exists lines of it) AND (name of it as uppercase ends with “.LOG”) AND ( (name of it starts with ((it as string) of ( current year )) ) OR (name of it starts with ((it as string) of ( current year - 1year )) ) ) ) of folders “__Global/Logs” of (data folder of client)