(imported topic written by SystemAdmin)
Is it possible to somehow change the relevance code of a reserved global property?
We have a number of machines that for whatever reason were configured to have their FQDN as “computer name”, so when you copy/paste a list of servers with their short names for deployment purposes they will not be found, even though they are in the system. So what I am looking to do is just strip the first part of the name before the first dot directly in the global reserved property “Computer Name”:
root@usdfw22as03 bin
uname -n
root@usdfw22as03 bin
BESClientConfigPath must be set
BESClientActionMastheadPath not set, using /etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm
Q: computer name
T: 4616612
Q: if (computer name contains “.”) then (preceding text of first “.” of computer name) else (computer name)
A: usdfw22as03
T: 22476653
Thank you.