Missing Fixlet QuickTime Player


its out in the wild since December 22, 2014 but I can’t see at my console on Janaury 14, 2015…

Can someone please confirm this?


The fixlet is called “Apple QuickTime 7.7.6 Stand-Alone Player Available” for windows.

Yes i know, but this is fixlet

ID: 2072024
Source Release Date: 23.10.2014
Version :

In December 22, 2014 Apple released version

this is odd:
Relevance 5
Show collapsed relevance
exists regapp "QuickTimePlayer.exe"
version of it < “”

Show indented relevance
exists regapp “QuickTimePlayer.exe” whose (version of it < “”)

Yes, that is what I am saying.

“Apple QuickTime 7.7.6 Stand-Alone Player Available” installs version of quicktime.

Apple represents the version of quicktime in 2 ways. “7.7.6” and “”, which are the same.

Ah, sorry I got just confused that I can’t see any PC needs the update.
I just checked one of this PC and it has version with file date October 7, 2014.
So I think Apple messed up the version numbers.

I messed it up, not Apple, because all Windows 8.1 PC’s where on not showing up in TEM.
The reson is in relevance 4 of the fixlet (name of it = “Win8”) of operating system) is not existing.

And this is maybe right, because of Apples Windows Requirements (as well no Windows 8) :

  • Windows XP (Service Pack 2 or later), Windows Vista or Windows 7

Exactly. Officially Quicktime 7 only supports until Windows 7.