Hey all,
I’m working on getting the OSD server setup and am running into some errors while trying to create the MDT bundle.
First off: I verified MDT is installed, 7 zip is installed, WADK and WADK preinstallation environment are all installed. I will say that I have been trying to keep everything installed on the secondary E:\ drive since that’s also how we set it up in a different environment.
When I try to run the following fixlet, I get an error that the LastRunLog.txt just says that “MDTBundleCreator64.exe is not recognized as an internal or external command”
Fixlet action script:
Completed parameter “LOGFILENAME” = "{name of drive of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\OSDSETUP\MDTBundleCreator\LastRunLog.txt"
Completed regset “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow6432node\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\OSDControl]” “SyncTimeMDT”="0"
Completed delete {name of drive of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\OSDSETUP\MDTBundleCreator\parameters.ini
Completed createfile until __EOF
Completed [general]
Completed SyncTimeMDT=1556799235138
Completed # MDTBundle and DeploymentShare directories will be created beneath this target
Completed target=E:\BigFixOSD
Completed overwrite=yes
Completed debug=0
Completed # Specify the version of the Windows Kit to use for the bundle creation
Completed wimtoolkit=WADK10
Completed # Location to the USMT 3.01 MSI files. If not provided, these will be downloaded.
Completed # These are necessary to migrate user data from XP computers.
Completed ;usmt301x86location=
Completed ;usmt301x64location=
Completed # Location to USMT 4 files. These are necessary to migrate user data from Vista computers
Completed # This can be taken from a Windows AIK installation.
Completed ;usmt4x86location=C:\Program Files (x86)\USMT\Binaries\v4\x86
Completed ;usmt4x64location=C:\Program Files (x86)\USMT\Binaries\v4\amd64
Completed [mdtsources]
Completed # This section specifies the locations of OS Resource media that will be used during reimage and capture processes.
Completed # Enter install media path below. To add additional media paths, add another key called (i.e. media2=, media3=, and so on) and
Completed # specify the full path to the ISO image or extracted ISO folder.
Completed # If no media path is specified, the MDT Bundle is created without OS Resources.
Completed # Uncomment createmediaonly=yes to only generate OS resources for the specified media items, this will place
Completed # the OS resoruces in the target directory and will not create an MDT Bundle.
Completed # For Windows Server 2003, you can specify the language code for the specified OS Resource by
Completed # finding the appropriate code at the following site: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms533052(v=vs.85).aspx
Completed # Enter the language code by specifying the key used for the OS Resource for which you would like to designate
Completed # the language code, in addition to “_locale”. See The example below.
Completed # Example:
Completed # media1=C:\extractedISOs\windows7x86servicepack1.ISO
Completed # media2=F:\ (this could be a DVD drive w/ the install media loaded)
Completed # …
Completed #;media1=
Completed #;media1_locale=en-us
Completed #;createmediaonly=yes
Completed #;mediaisodir=c:\osdisodir
Completed mediaisodir=E:\OSDISO
Completed __EOF
Completed move __createfile {name of drive of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\OSDSETUP\MDTBundleCreator\parameters.ini
Completed if {x64 of operating system}
Completed waithidden cmd /C "cd {name of drive of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\OSDSETUP\MDTBundleCreator\ && MDTBundleCreator64.exe > {name of drive of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\OSDSETUP\MDTBundleCreator\LastRunLog.txt 2>&1"
Completed else
Completed waithidden cmd /C "cd {name of drive of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\OSDSETUP\MDTBundleCreator\ && MDTBundleCreator.exe > {name of drive of regapp “BESClient.exe”}\OSDSETUP\MDTBundleCreator\LastRunLog.txt 2>&1"
Completed endif
Failed continue if {exists file (parameter “LOGFILENAME” of action) whose (exists lines whose (it as string contains “[AGTRC:0]”) of it)}
regset “[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\wow6432node\BigFix\EnterpriseClient\OSDControl]” “SyncTimeMDT”=“1556799235138”
After that failed, I tried just running the MDTBundleCreator.exe which gives me the following output (fails eventually) setup.log from c:\osdsetup\mdtbundlecreator:
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] === MDTBundleCreator 3.10.16 ===
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] WADK 10 release id 1809 runs on Windows version 6.3
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] OptionId.DeploymentTools is installed in WADK 10 10.0.17763.0
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] OptionId.UserStateMigrationTool is installed in WADK 10 10.0.17763.0
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] OptionId.WindowsPreinstallationEnvironment is installed in WADK 10 10.0.17763.0
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] wadklocation detected is E:\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] Testing isodir E:\OSDISO
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] processing is file ‘.’
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] processing is file ‘…’
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] processing is file ‘en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso’
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] Adding 0 now
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] “C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe” x -aoa -y -r -o"\temp_1556801165" – “E:\OSDISO/en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso”
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] 7-Zip 19.00 (x86) : Copyright © 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2019-02-21
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] Scanning the drive for archives:
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] 1 file, 3182604288 bytes (3036 MiB)
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:05 2019] Extracting archive: E:\OSDISO\en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] –
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Path = E:\OSDISO\en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Type = Udf
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Physical Size = 3182604288
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Comment = GSP1RMCENXVOL_EN_DVD
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Cluster Size = 2048
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Created = 2011-04-12 03:30:48
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Everything is Ok
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Folders: 199
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Files: 874
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Size: 3199047909
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] Compressed: 3182604288
[Thu May 2 07:46:19 2019] My wadk version is WADK10_1809, required minimum version is WADK10_1607, iso image is en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651.iso
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019] processing is file ‘Win10-1803.iso’
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019] Adding 1 now
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019] “C:\Program Files (x86)\7-Zip\7z.exe” x -aoa -y -r -o"\temp_1556801181" – “E:\OSDISO/Win10-1803.iso”
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019] 7-Zip 19.00 (x86) : Copyright © 1999-2018 Igor Pavlov : 2019-02-21
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019] Scanning the drive for archives:
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019] 1 file, 3720216576 bytes (3548 MiB)
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:21 2019] Extracting archive: E:\OSDISO\Win10-1803.iso
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] WARNINGS:
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] There are data after the end of archive
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] –
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Path = E:\OSDISO\Win10-1803.iso
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Type = Udf
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] WARNINGS:
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] There are data after the end of archive
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Physical Size = 3719680000
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Tail Size = 536576
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Comment = ESD-ISO
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Cluster Size = 2048
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Created = 2018-05-01 16:37:43
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Everything is Ok
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Archives with Warnings: 1
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019]
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Warnings: 1
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Folders: 85
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Files: 972
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Size: 3714232122
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] Compressed: 3720216576
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] My wadk version is WADK10_1809, required minimum version is WADK10_1607, iso image is Win10-1803.iso
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] The ISO resources you have provided contains an ESD compressed image: Win10-1803.iso
[Thu May 2 07:46:37 2019] The ISO resources Win10-1803.iso you have provided contains an ESD compressed image and we can process it.
[Thu May 2 07:46:38 2019] ERROR: MDT is not installed… Please install it before continuing
[Thu May 2 07:46:38 2019] ERROR: Bundle Creation encountered fatal error:
Died at CreateBundle.pl line 295.
I’m not sure why it’s saying MDT isn’t installed. I guess I could try to uninstall it and then reinstall but I was worried I’d mess some settings up in the process.