(imported topic written by Martin_Chorich)
Is there anyone out there who would be willing to talk to me in confidence about how long it took to execute a a typical “Patch Tuesday” patching cycle before and after implementing BigFix?
Things I’d be interested in exploring include:
*What tools did you use to distribute Patch Tuesday Patches before implementing BigFix?
*What steps did you take to qualify, test, package and ? patches before sending them out to your infrastructure prior to BigFix? What do you do now?
*How long did this process take then? How long does it take now?
*What was the first pass success rate with pre-BigFix tools? With BigFix?
*How long would it take to complete a patch distribution before and after BigFix?
*What metrics do you keep on patching processes? Are they tied to SLAs?
*Have you attempted to measure any cost or labor savings?
I’m interested in researching general trends, not publicize individual wash day miracles. Of course, if you are willing to go public with your story, we could be interested in that too.
If you’d like to talk about this, either call me on +1-510-740-1226 or drop me an email (martin_chorich@bigfix.com) indicating a good way to reach you.